Конкурс 2008
Margherita Morgantin
Il Pensiero Veloce/ The Fast Thinking (2006, Italy) – 4`20``
Margherita Morgantin lives and works in Milan and Venice. Recent exhibitions include: “Private Architecture”, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano,2003; Progetto Spazio Aperto, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Bologna, 2003 and Anomalie Italienne # 2, Public Xing, Paris, 2003. Margherita Morganti’s 2007 video “Fastthinking” was created for the “Question of survival” exhibition. It is based on her boat trip through the Laguna channels from Venice to Trieste. A long and almost intangible tilt of the perspective and circulation of the horizon allow us to feel the revolution of the Earth. They are formed in this video by mirror like interosculation of the sky and the see fixed by the camera. Little by little the landscape is transformed into a drawing composed of ink blots which turns to be a key to a deepintrospective vision. The wish to share impressions of this journey is explained through the existence of a certain space between imagination and reality, a space where the symbolic and corporal co-exist with the emotional.The geographic space, shot trough with temporality gives birth to a language that can express the process of endless morphogenesis.