Конкурс 2008
Andrei Suzdalev
Papillons (2008, Russia) – 3``44``
Studied at the Free Workshop Moscow school of contemporary art (Contemporary art: theory and practice). Since 1996 conducts the ALCOOL Publishing house project, incorporating sound, video and digital works into books, transforming his editions into happenings and performances. His interests are graphics, digital animation, installations, art objects. Participant of author books exhibitions, SCCA projects (since 2004 is in chargeof the Children creative workshop there). Since 2008 – the Introduction into media art program at the Tretyakov gallery media club. “A short piece for a mechanical piano and computer” is the artist’s definition of this miniature’s genre. The cause of it’s creation was a paper pianola roll – a recording of Moritz Rosenthal’s "Papillions". The artist using digital technologies gives us his own visual performance of this piece. The minimalistic video sequence is brightened by animated portraits of friends and colleagues – artists, musicians and poets, whom this work is dedicated to. The soundtrack is an original recording of the “Papillions”played by the composer.