Конкурс 2008
Alexandra Galkina
Drawing is Hard (2007, Russia) - 5`35``
Alexandra Galkina was born in 1982, she lives and works in Moscow In1997-1998 participated in Avdej Ter-Oganyan’s Contemporary art school project in 2002-2005 – in group projects and exhibitions of the Radek society. Her personal projects include Drawn-over graffiti (2003) and Patterns (2004) at theTretyakov gallery, the shop window gallery No Name (20050 at the ArtStrelka, “You are under arrest projects (2006, together with David Ter-Oganyan at the Basmannoye Internal Affairs Department. Many times has it been said that an artist’s work is hard. On the other hand we value ease over effort in a work of art. An artist differs from the common crowd by his ability to overcome the resistance of material, making it apliable, receptive and spiritual. So the hard work of an artist is not needed and should stay behind the scenes in the aesthetic limbo. That’s why it has become fashionable to dress naked kings in non-existing fabrics. Alexandra Galkina’s work is relevant to this problem. Even the ephemeral art works can shake the reality’s foundations. This though is expressed by the artist by a clever division of picture and sound in a simple documentary of the act of drawing.